Publishing Fees

ISSN: 2837-9950 (Online)

JOI is committed to providing free online access to all articles for our readers. Consequently, we do not collect subscription charges from our audience. To maintain the high quality of our content and ensure the sustainability of our journal, JOI requires authors to pay a moderate fee known as Article Processing Charges (APCs). Please note that JOI does not charge an article submission fee or article review fees.

Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, authors will be subject to APCs of US$100, unless an exemption applies. An invoice for this charge will be issued to the corresponding author after acceptance. Authors may choose to withdraw their manuscripts at this point if they are unable to pay. However, once an invoice has been paid, there will be no refunds in accordance with the journal's policy.

We understand that some authors may face financial constraints. JOI offers a waiver policy to assist authors who are unable to obtain funding from their institutions or research funding bodies. While we strive to provide support and advice to all our international authors, waiver priority will be given to authors residing in countries classified as low-income economies by the World Bank.

To pay your publishing fee, please visit our secure Payment Gateway or click We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support, and we look forward to publishing your papers in the Journal of Innovations.